Papers & Posters

Author Instructions and Paper Submission

All regular papers will be considered for oral/lecture and poster sessions; authors can select their perferred session type during the submission process. You can order one of these articles from an economics essay writer who will select the necessary information and format it properly, which will save your time. Papers selected for both lecture and poster sessions will appear as full papers in the conference proceedings.

For complete author instructions, including format information and templates, or to submit a regular or special session paper, 

Click here for Epapers.


Presentation and Poster Guidelines

Presentations: All regular lecture presentations will be 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions. Presenters should bring their slides on a USB drive in either PPT or PDF format to the session chair at least 10min prior to the beginning of each session. For formats other than PPT or PDF, a VGA input will be available to connect laptops/etc.

Posters: Each poster will be assigned to a 4ft x 4ft poster board. Posters are recommended to be no more than 3ft wide and 4ft long. Posters should be displayed for the entire day (Nov 11 or Nov 12) of the assigned poster session; therefore posters should be setup in the morning prior to the opening session of the day and removed at the end of the day following the last session. 

For more details on presentations and posters, click here.


Demonstration Session Abstract Submissions

Click here

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